
I hope that this Easter week is a special one, and that these days leading up to Resurrection Sunday are filled with a renewed wonder at just how good the Lord really is!

I value the freedom of the unknowns. After all, when you aren’t tied down, anything seems possible. It gives you room to grow and stretch your wings! But, here’s what I’m learning right now…

I used to believe that in an ideal world, my house would be clean and orderly, almost always. I would have more money in the bank and life would have a nice rhythm with only good interruptions

To help make your homeschooling process easier, I’ve thought through what steps I take and am sharing some of the key ones below. I hope they are helpful for you!
Kindness is favor, goodness, merciful, faithfulness. What a beautiful thought, to live in this way. Imagine a world with this at its core! Imagine your world with this at its core.